Contact Me

Envision Gifted Contact

17 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Jenna Olson says:

    How would you suggest I introduce the Universal Theme of Systems to a group of 4th graders? I’m new to upper grade and looking for a different approach. My theme in primary was patters (so much easier). I was attempting to click on you links to “learn more” on your section about Systems but nothing happened. Thanks for any incite you can provide!

    • Marcie Griffith says:

      So sorry I didn’t respond sooner. You would follow the same process for introducing any of the themes. Define it, have students provide evidence, apply to new learning. So, some of the systems they should be coming up with are: plant systems, digestive system, solar system, body systems, etc. I’ll upload more information ASAP.

  2. Graves Suzanne says:

    Hello, I am looking for a lesson I thought that I found on here a couple years back. I LOVED it, but went out for neck surgery & lost pertinent details. I remember that it was connected to, or I may have connected it to, the books Rosie Revere & Iggy Peck Architect. It tied in beautifully wirh introducing the engineering process and combining icons. If it was a lesson from you, or if you create one, I would love to see it!
    Thank you for a fabulous resource!

    • Marcie Griffith says:

      Hi Suzanne,
      So sorry I didn’t respond sooner. Hope you are feeling well after surgery. I wish I could help you out with that lesson, but that didn’t come from my site. Best of luck in finding it.

  3. Michelle Freeman says:

    Hello. I have a student who will be joining me in August that is gifted. I want to be the very best teacher I can for him. I have had lots of training on how to differentiate for learners needing to hit benchmarks, but it seems like not many know what to do for higher level thinkers. This will be my fourth year teaching and I really want to do a better job for these learners. What do you suggest to get me in the right direction.

    • Marcie Griffith says:

      Hi Michelle,
      Sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Thank you for being an advocate for your gifted students and being proactive in getting resources. Depth and complexity are a great place to start and are useful for all your students. My guess is you have other students who are gifted who have not been identified. I would also look into pre-testing students for mastery and providing alternative areas of study (independent study) for those who have already mastered the content.
      Have a wonderful year.

  4. Janice Robbins says:

    I just fell upon your website. Great ideas! I am seeking permission to use some of the slides from Universal Themes in a PowerPoint show I will use in July with visiting Korean educators at our summer institute at the College of William and Mary.

    • Marcie Griffith says:

      Hi Janice,
      I hope your work with the educators from Korea went well. I’m so sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I haven’t been able to check on this site as frequently as I should.

      Marcie Griffith

  5. Mary Jane says:

    Hello! What ways would you suggest using depth and complexity icons with 1st grade in literature? How could I utilize multiple icons outside of using a frame with the little ones? Do you have a suggestion in one area I should focus on when teaching the younger gifted students?

    Thanks so much!

    • Marcie Griffith says:

      First, I want to apologize. I haven’t been able to spend much time on this site and am sorry I didn’t reply sooner. Frames are great, but there are so many other ways students can use them. They could use them on a flip up type foldable. Depending on the objective, they could also use them in a concentric circle type model. On a chart. I’ll try to send you some images to your email from my work account.

  6. Christine says:

    I love this website, and am particularly fascinated with supporting my gifted students with the Non-fiction work revolving around depth and complexity. I loved the resources and lessons for “Supporting Gifted Students with Expository (non-fiction) Text Analysis, but didn’t see any links where the actual resources were linked. I would love electronic copies of the resources and handouts (eg. “Making Connections to Nonfiction Texts,” “Think Like A Linguist! Etymology,” etc). Is there any way for me to get these resources? Is there a book on them as well? Thanks!

  7. Lizbeth Overton says:

    HI I am trying to download a blank frame from your page and it says “Download Veterans Day Frames (3 Versions)” but when I click it, it just opens a picture of the frame but nothing I am able to download.
    Would it be possible to get these 3 versions?

    Lizbeth Overton

  8. Lisa says:

    Hi Marcie, is it permissible to share a link to your website/math depth and complexity chart with math teachers in a school district? The link will be posted on an internal Google spreadsheet with your permission and with your URL cited.

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