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Envision Gifted
Ideas and resources for differentiating instruction for gifted and advanced learners.
Envision Gifted was designed with the hope to support teachers in meeting the unique learning needs of gifted and advanced students. There is a misconception that gifted students, “Will be fine.” regardless of the instruction they receive (or don’t receive). This couldn’t be further from the truth. Gifted students need and are entitled to differentiated instruction and learning opportunities. Despite this, much of the focus in education has been on how to differentiate to support struggling students.
It is my hope to share ideas on differentiating instruction for gifted and advanced learners and to contribute to the dialogue surrounding how to meet their unique needs. The ideas and lessons I share are not mine alone, but rather the result of building on the ideas of others who have been kind enough to share, collaborating with and receiving feedback from colleagues, and of course input from the ultimate critics: the students themselves.
Check Out These New(er) Resources
Presentations!- OCC GATE

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Copyright © 2012 Marcie Griffith All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy or distribute is limited to single classroom use only unless permission is granted by the author. If you post or pin any of the ideas or content found here, please give credit and include a link back to this site so that others may benefit from the resources as well.