Universal Theme – Structure

Envision Gifted Universal Theme Structure

Universal Theme- Structure


  • The way something is built, arranged, or organized.
  • The way a group of people, ideas, or things are organized.
  • Something (house, tower, bridge, etc.) that is built by putting parts together and that usually stands on its own

Prime Your Brain to Think Thematically!

Envision Gifted. Think Thematically Structure


Generalizations: Structure:

  • Structure serves a purpose
  • Structure can be natural or artificial
  • Structure changes over time
  • Structure is influenced by time and place
  • Structures have parts that inter-relate
  • Parts of structures support and are supported  by other parts
  • Smaller structures may be combined to form larger structures
  • Structure can be positive or negative
  • A structure is no stronger than its weakest component
Envision Gifted. Universal Theme. Structure Can Provide Power
Envision Gifted. Universal Concept Structure
Envision Gifted. Universal Theme Structure As Necessary For Survival
Envision Gifted. Universal Theme. Structure as Paradox
Envision Learning Structure
Envision Gifted Universal Theme Structure Leads to Harmony
Envision Gifted Universal Theme Structure Influenced by Time and Place
Envision Gifted. Universal Theme Structure May Create Conflict
